Cobscook Bay
About the Bay: find out about some of the ecological characteristics of the area.
Facts and Figures: discover demographic data about Cobscook Bay.
Cobscook Scallop Fishery: Moving Beyond "Boom and Bust": a collection of information about the Cobscook Bay scallop fishery, including a presentation prepared by the Resource Center, maps of State of Maine scallop conservation closures and scallop fishing regions, and meeting notes.
Cobscook Soundings: For a more in-depth look at issues affecting the Bay read Cobscook Soundings articles originally published in The Quoddy Tides.
Tidal Power Development in Cobscook Bay: Articles about tidal power development in Cobscook Bay.
Alewives/Smelts: A collection of links regarding Alewives & Smelts.
Red Tide Closures: The Maine Department of Marine Resources (DMR) monitors shellfish meat samples weekly or more frequently during the warm weather months to assure consumers that the Maine shellfish they are buying are safe. For the most current Red Tide closure information please go to the DMR website or call the DMR Hotline at 1-800-232-4733.
Water Quality Closures: Fecal coliform bacteria comes not from "glow-in-the-dark" industrial pollution, but from a much simpler source, human sewage. Consumers of shellfish in Maine and in out-of-state markets rely on the Maine DMR shellfish sanitation program for assurance that the product they are eating is safe. For the most current water quality closure information please go to the DMR website or call the DMR Hotline at 1-800-232-4733.