
Keeping Connections

People have inhabited the coastline of the Gulf of Maine for thousands of years, creatively adapting to changes in climate and weather, territorial possession, population, markets, and technologies. Throughout these changes there has been one constant: a direct, vital connection between the people of the coastal communities and the sea. Now, unlike any other time in history, that link to the sea is in danger of being broken.

The Cobscook Bay Resource Center is working to keep that link alive.

When the Sustainable Cobscook Project was started in 1993, participants identified four value areas which were important to everyone; the environment, the economy, education, and a sense of community. We recognized that all four values are inextricably linked.

The work we do at the Resource Center is based on that linkage. We have learned that when any one of the value areas is emphasized to the exclusion of the others, communities tend to become fragmented and polarized. To have a healthy community we need a resilient environment, a sustainable economy, and the capacity to learn and adapt.




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