Alphabetical List of Keywords
Categorical List of Keywords(# of times used in keyword field)
Campobello (3) also Quoddy
Cobscook (116) also Quoddy
Deer Island (7) also Quoddy
Dennys River (8) also Cobscook, Quoddy
Eastport (45) also Cobscook, Quoddy
Fundy (230)
Grand Manan (21) also Quoddy
Gulf of Maine (109)
L'Etang (4) also Quoddy
Moosehorn NWR (2) also Cobs, Quoddy
Northwest Atlantic (48)
Passamaquoddy (198) also Quoddy
Quoddy (354)
St. Croix (17) also Passama, Quoddy
St. John (2) also Fundy
Wolves Island (1) also Fundy, Quoddy
Physical Studies
bedrock (10)
circulation (20) see currents
climate (5)
currents (20) same as circulation
geology (35)
geomorphology (2)
glaciation (2)
hydrography (85) see oceanography
hydropower (4)
meteorology (6)
oceanography (85) same as hydrography
salinity (18) also oceanog, hydrog
sea-level change (8)
sediments (7)
seismicity (9)
subsidence (7)
temperature (38) also oceanog, hydrog
tidal power (58)
tides (27) also oceanog, hydrog
Human Impact
aquaculture (35)
contaminants (53) see pollution
economics (56)
effluent (10)
fisheries (121)
industry (27)
metals (12)
oil refinery (24) also industry
oil spills (26)
pesticides (3)
plans (5)
pollution (53) same as contaminants
ports (5)
recreation (7) see tourism
tourism (7) same as recreation
toxins (36)
algae (28) also flora
bacteria (4)
diatoms (12) also phytop, flora
dinoflagellates (18) also phytop, flora
eelgrass (2) also flora
flora (83)
fungi (1) also flora
phytoplankton (33) also flora
plankton (11) also flora or fauna
seaweed (25) also flora
alcids (2) also seabirds, birds, vert, fauna
alewives (3) also fish, vert, fauna
amphibians (2) also vert, fauna
anadromous (16)
anemones (2) also invert, fauna
annelids (18) also invert, fauna
barnacles (3) also crusta, invert, fauna
birds (41) also vert, fauna
bivalves (44) also mollus, invert, fauna
cetacea (38) also mammals, vert, fauna
clams (15) also bival, mollus, invert, fauna
cod (6) also fish, vert, fauna
copepods (15) also zoop, invert, fauna
crabs (2) also crusta, invert, fauna
crustaceans (47) also invert, fauna
dolphins (1) also cetacea, mammals, vert, fauna
ducks (4) also birds, vert, fauna
eagles (9) also birds, vert, fauna
echinoderms (8) also invert, fauna
eels (2) also fish, vert, fauna
eiders (2) also seabirds, birds, vert, fauna
euphausiid (7) also crusta, invert, fauna
fauna (426)
fish (78) also vert, fauna
flounder (9) also fish, vert, fauna
gastropods (4) also mollus, invert, fauna
gulls (4) also birds, vert, fauna
haddock (3) also fish, vert, fauna
halibut (1) also fish, vert, fauna
herring (47) also fish, vert, fauna
invertebrates (211) also fauna
lobsters (17) also crus, shell, invert, fauna
mackerel (2) also fish, vert, fauna
marine mammals (46) also vert, fauna
molluscs (59) also invert, fauna
mussels (8) also bival, moll, invert, fauna
oysters (3) also bival, moll, invert, fauna
phalaropes (2) also bird, vert, fauna
pinnipeds (10) also mamma, vert, fauna
plankton (11) also fauna or flora
pollock (1) also fish, vert, fauna
porpoises (21) also mammal, vert, fauna
reptiles (2) also vert, fauna
salmon (31) also fish, vert, fauna
scallops (23) also bival, moll, invert, fauna
seabirds (15) also birds, vert, fauna
seals (10) also pinnip, mammal, vert, fauna
shellfish (73) also invert, fauna
shorebirds (11) also birds, vert, fauna
shrimp (3) also crusta, invert, fauna
snails (3) also gastro, mollus, invert, fauna
terns (1) also seabirds, birds, vert, fauna
trout (4) also fish, vert, fauna
urchins (5) also invert, fauna
vertebrates (190) also fauna
whales (14) also cetace, mammal, vert, fauna
worms (11) also annel, invert, fauna
zooplankton (50) also invert, fauna
sand beach (2)
benthic (50)
estuarine (27)
habitats (29)
intertidal (31)
mudflats (11)
rocky (17)
salt marsh (11) also wetlands
subtidal (17)
terrestrial (4)
tide pools (4)
wetlands (14)
Biological Studies
conservation (28)
distribution (145)
diversity (7)
ecology (82)
feeding (59)
food web (14)
genetics (10)
growth rate (21)
inventory (101)
life history (41)
migration (14)
moult (9)
nutrients (14)
nutrition (11)
paralytic shellfish poisoning (20)
parasites (16)
population (36)
predation (9)
productivity (5)
recruitment (8)
red tide (5) also paralytic shellfish poison
reproduction (53)
zonation (3)
bibliography (3)
GIS (2)
maps (10)
model (3)
photos (6)
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